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Fans of the Day
I want to call attention to two special fans who will be at the game today: Carole T. and Elizabeth L.
Yesterday, as I was snapping photos of Lo Chia-Jen (the Astros new acquisition from Taiwan), a lady tapped me on the shoulder and asked "Aren't you Astros Fan in Exile?" I almost fainted. Who would know that. She looked really familiar, so I asked, "What's your name?" and when she answered Carole, I remembered her - we sat together at Spring Training last year, in Section 103. Carole comes down to Florida for two months a year, and has season tickets for Spring Training. Being a working stiff, that's still but a fantasy for me. My second special fan is my sister Elizabeth, who you might have seen on my p
hoto album, smiling (and posted next to a pair of minor league butts on the bleachers) at the practice field. Elizabeth is not a regular reader of this blog, so I can confide here that in my family she's known as the "Sucker of the Year." That is, the family member who got stuck accompanying me to Spring Training. Ostensibly though, she's here as my guest, in celebration of her VSB (very special birthday - enough said). Elizabeth, like me, grew up in Houston, using the Dome as a good place to get out of the brutal summer heat. On all other days, we were devotee's of Lowell Pass, who was the Astros radio broadcaster back then. Anyway, greetings to Carol and Elizabeth - hope we get to see the Astros beat the Reds today!
Happy VSB (again) Elizabeth.
- Hatte
Looks like you brought good luck to the team, after all!
And we DID see that win, finally! Hope you enjoyed getting to meet Mitch and Kevin - saw you snapping shots of them from your seat in section 104....drool on as I sat in my usual seat in section 103 and listened to Tim Byrdak do the radio play by play for about 3 innings from the bull pen bench - it was the funniest thing I'd ever heard. He never missed a beat!!
Just found your blog...your fan of the day, Carole, is a friend of mine and she commented about being on your blog in her Facebook status! Anyhow, I'm so glad I found hubby and I are Fans in Exile, too, although we don't live as far away from Houston as you do. We're in East Texas, where the local newscasters seem to think everyone loves the Dallas teams better than Houston. We've gone to ST twice and loved every second. I've added your blog to my reader so I can keep up with your posts!
Srkruk - Thanks! I'm glad you like the blog. If you like photos, check out the ones on my website photo albums ( I love to take baseball pictures. Too bad Ausmus is gone though - he was so photogenic, I think I took about 1000 photos of him over the years!
Oh, definitely, Ausmus is photogenic. My fave is Mike Hampton, though!! My hubby had to put up with me chasing Hampton all over ST in '98 trying to get a picture and persistence paid off, though, and I have an AWESOME pic of me and him, and an 8x10 autographed pic. I'm so glad he's back with the 'Stros. I'll go check out all your pics and see if I can find any of Hampton to add to my collection!
I've posted a few photos of Hampton on my photo album on the 2009 Spring Training pages. I have a bunch more but haven't had a chance to create a who page just for him yet. Probably will need to do that after I get home from Kissimmee.
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